When you log in to BeLazy, you have the option to log in with your Google or Microsoft account only. These accounts remove the burden of protecting your passwords from us, so they make our operation more secure.

Please note that for the time being it is not possible to connect Google and Microsoft accounts into one profile, so if you log in with one, you will see different projects than if you log in with the other. We recommend constantly using one of the options for logging in.

From Google and Microsoft, we request your name, email address and phone number, to fill out the profile that appears after first login.

Please accept the legal agreements first.

When you log in, you have two options. You can either create a new organization or join an existing organization. Users in the same organization have full access to each connection, projects, etc., but can favorite some of the connections and not see the rest. If you are the first in a company to use BeLazy, or you are working on your own, create a new organization. Under the Profile menu / My organization, you can enable the secret code-based joining. Generate a secret code, and send it to a co-worker. If you are the co-worker, click on Join organization, and enter the secret code you received.

Fill in information about your organization and about yourself.

The system offers you three email address fields:

  • the login email is the email you have in your Google or Microsoft account,
  • the notification email is the email address where you want to receive notifications relating to the service, such as a request to log in if there is an urgent to-do,
  • the communication email is where we send you our newsletters and training materials.

It is not required to fill in the three email addresses. If you don't fill in the communication email, newsletters and training materials will be sent to your notification email, or if it is not filled in, to your login email. If you don't fill out your notification email, notifications will be sent to your login email.

You can also help us give you better personalized support by enabling the checkbox that we can use your access data for bug fixing purposes. Otherwise we will have to contact you by email and we can't start our troubleshooting job immediately when something goes wrong.

Click on Update profile and you'll be taken to the main dashboard.

You can always come back and change your profile data by selecting Profile in the profile section, in upper-right corner of the dashboard.