Translated Job Portal (

The Translated job portal is the vendor portal for the Italian company Translated ( There is only one instance of this system running. The majority of work in this portal is outsourced to freelance translators. Job offers are not published on the portal, they are sent via email, so an email monitoring solution such as Integromat is required for the setup to work. We recommend that you set up the Auto-approve functionality.


There are no requirements to use the Translated portal other than having a valid username and password. You can register on the same page where you log in:


Expected URL format:

The URL is always


To use the Translated job portal, you will only need the URL, user name, password that you use on the portal, configuration is performed already when you create the connection.

Issues and how to resolve them:

Projects are offered in email only. Therefore you need to set up an Integromat connection to BeLazy's Synchronize Connection function, and pass this the job URL that you can parse from the email. Alternatively you can use any API automation function Invoke synchronization.

Functionality supported:

  • New tasks are automatically displayed
  • Projects are delivered automatically if you are using a BMS with full automation support

Functionality not supported:

  • Files are not downloaded, as the majority of the jobs require the use of MateCat. MateCat login information is extracted.
  • Projects rejected in BeLazy are not rejected in the portal, that needs to be done manually.