Protemos is a business management system offered for translation companies and freelance linguists ( It is available in the cloud or installed on servers.


If you are a user of Protemos, you can readily use their APIs. Log in, go to Settings / Account, and you will find the API key there. You need this API key in BeLazy.

If you want to use a template to create job chains, you need to create a language-independent template. You also need to add a list of jobs to the template, and in the template description, enter the name of the jobs, separated by commas, such as "Translation, Editing, Proofreading".

Expected URL format:

The URL is


  • Once you entered the URL of your business management system, you only need to enter the API key, and the connection is made.
  • Not only a client but a client and a CAT log conversion scheme need to be selected in the case of a client. The CAT log conversion scheme is only important if there are no prices given in the connection. (Regardless of the connection, you only need to fill the SDL Trados 2017 (cross-file reps + internal fuzzy + locked) CAT log conversion scheme.)
  • A project manager needs to be assigned per connection or multiple project managers can be assigned per project conditions.
  • Specializations need to be mapped between the systems.
  • Workflows need to be mapped between the systems.
  • Units need to be mapped between the systems.
  • Sliding scales (match brackets) need to be mapped between the systems. BeLazy uses the most extensive list of categories under SDL Trados 2017 (cross-file reps + internal fuzzy + locked).
  • Language codes need to be mapped between the systems.
  • Vendors need to be mapped.

Functionality supported:

  • All known project creation scenarios, including templates with job chains are supported
  • Vendor assignment is supported
  • Partial deliveries from individual jobs are also supported.

Functionality not supported:

  • Payable creation is not supported
  • Files above 3 GB are not handled, files are only kept for one week after the project appears in BeLazy


  • Protemos offers files to be stored both under Job output and Project output, whereas BeLazy does not offer this distinction. BeLazy by default takes and delivers the job output files as partial delivery - as configured in the workflow definitions - except for the last block in the workflow, where project output files will be downloaded too.