Service mapping is quite independent from the BMS. It is about establishing the correspondence between what the client wants and how you feel comfortable delivering files, closing tasks, reassiging tasks and creating payables and receivables.
In order to understand how service or workflow mapping works, you need to understand the following:
- BeLazy lists all the workflows from the source systems and shows how many steps they contain. If they contain a single step, they may be candidates for your bundling. (Note: Workflow-based bundling works also with multi-step workflows, but experience shows that these do not normally require bundling.) You can bundle several source steps (such as translation and proofreading, separately outsourced) into one target workflow containing multiple steps. In order to do so, select the same workflow and make sure the steps in the workflow are separately mapped. Bundling into the same workflow is usually specified by the project name, so in the Bundling page, select Name for task/order bundling and the same for job bundling.
- Now that you know which workflow or service to select on the target side (e.g. if you get translation and proofreading, you may want to select a TEP service, which has three steps), it is time to fine-tune the mapping by selecting what actions to perform at which step. Please note that on the target side you need to select workflows with as many steps or more as in the source workflows. For example, if you have a source workflow of two steps, at least two jobs are required in your BMS workflow. If you don't have this, you need to create new workflows in your BMS and restart the editing of the automation.
- If you selected a target workflow with more steps than the source, you will probably have sequences of steps in the target (BMS) that correspond to a single target step. For example, you may have review and QA in your process which corresponds only to review on the source side. Pay attention to the arrows connecting the source and target workflows on the interface: X indicates that a target workflow step is not mapped, then BeLazy will not monitor it. An arrow pointing to the right shows the beginning of a sequence or the only step mapped. The downward right pointing arrow shows a continuation of the workflow, whereas the arrow going down and to the left shows the sequence is stopping. You can see a sequence of Proofreading and QA on the screenshot below.
Once you selected the right workflow, there are five different icons you need to pay attention to. We are introducing them here from right to left:
- Create receivable for this step. Select this icon to create a receivable in this BMS task. If the customer gives you a TEP job, you probably only get one TEP price. If they separate translation and review, you probably get two receivables, one for translation, one for review. In XTRF and Protemos you need to select also the job type, in Plunet this is coming from the customer price list relating to the job created. Can be selected for any BMS step, in the simpler cases it's one receivable per source step (enable the icon in the line where there is a step assigned in the source system and you see an arrow pointing right).
- Create payables for this step. Similar to the receivable, indicate if a task is to be paid to a (normally) freelance specialist. You normally don't want to enable the creation of payables for jobs that are executed in-house. Can be selected for any BMS step, in the simpler cases it's enabled in the BMS steps corresponding to translation and review.
- Assign linguists for this step. Once the BMS workflow reaches this step, this instructs BeLazy to assign the equivalent user to the linguist you assigned in the BMS to the source step. The equivalence is defined by the linguist mapping, or in the case of XTRF with CAT tools that are integrated, the Username in external system (under System accounts). If the customer only gave you one task, but you perform translation and review, you can enable assigning linguists multiple time, and then the task will first be assigned to the translator and then to the reviewer in the source system. Can be selected for any BMS step, in the simpler cases there is either no linguist assignment if you work with files or the translators use your credentials, or it is once per sequence of steps, just like in Create receivable.
- Close origin step when this step is closed. When the BMS workflow step is closed, instructs BeLazy to close the source step as well. A source task can only be closed once. In some systems task closing is automatic when the translator finished work. Can be selected once per sequence of steps (which is once per source step), and when you select this, that normally indicates that there is no work done in the source system before selecting a new BMS step. Most likely you want to select this at least after translation and at the last BMS step (to deliver when everything is done). This closes a sequence of steps.
- Take deliverables of this step. This instructs BeLazy to pick up the files delivered in this step and deliver it to the customer. Only works if you have a file-based workflow and the files are uploaded to the right place in the BMS. Can be selected for every BMS step, but normally you want to do this once per sequence, at the last job in the sequence of steps.
You need to configure every step before moving forward.
Note: If you want to bundle steps together into one workflow, make sure that there is no overlap between the step mapping of two workflow elements that are to be combined. In other words, where the arrow icons are, if some step needs to come from a different source workflow, make sure you only see X'es in these steps. For example, you have two source workflows with single steps, Translation and Review, and you want to merge them into a workflow called Translation Premium that contains three steps, Translation, Editing, Proofreading. You can see on the screenshots below that for the source Translation step, Editing and Proofreading are blank (X), whereas for the source Editing step Translation is blank (X).
This was the basic configuration, however, just like with every other page, you can configure exceptions as well. For example, if you want to use a different workflow for the translation task coming for a different end client (because they only send you one task instead of two, but forgot to name them differently), just select Client as the property that serves as exception:
Based on this, you can set up alternative workflows for any client you want, under Exceptions:
In the example above, we have selected a different workflow for the Pro Translations client.